Sunday, 8 November 2015

Naughty Me...

I was very Naughty when I was in school. And had to do things that would put me into trouble and which is why I had to use almost 2 school calender with full of remarks, but fortunately I would always pass my class with at an avarage of 58% to 60%. I remember an incident when I was in 10th Standard our last yr at school. I loved being  part of Scouts and Guides team, but was not interesed in doing all the drills. It so happened that Scouts & Guides team arranged  a trip to Matheran, but since I was not a part of the group I was unable to go and that disturbed me. I worked out a plan and  immediately enrolled myself but the condition was to have a uniform to go, and it was too short a time to get one. So with great difficulty borrowed the uniform of a friend who was not going on the trip. And that was my first outting trip from school. I was so excited when I saw the mini train which goes up the mountain, the horse rides the jungle trails and the beautiful climate. My teacher Mr Das wanted to demonstrate how to get on to the horse and the next thing we know that he was thrown on the ground and a broken leg. We were so thrilled that he wont be on our back to tells us anything, we would just leave the hotel and return for food in the afternoon and at sunset. But it was the most memorable trip of my life. That started my travelling to various places in the world. That was the only stint I had with Scouts. When I look back I realise that how mean we were when our teacher got hurt, but I guess as kids we never thought beyond our entertainment. Thats school kids. 

1 comment:

Sneha said...

Teachers know that at times students can be innocent and in their pursuit of fun they would go to any extents.. so I'm sure your teacher has forgiven you... you gotta forgive yourself too..